Advice On How To Treat And First Aid Eczema In Children

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Treatments for Eczema

Eczema is a skin rash ranging from mild to severe, often mistaken for or confused with Psoriasis as they look similar.

What Is Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp. Psoriasis is a common, long-term chronic disease with no cure. It can be painful, interfere with sleep and make it hard to concentrate.

1 in 10 people displays some form of eczema, a dry, itchy rash that comes and goes. Eczema can range from one or two small patches of dry, rough skin in one location to heavily covering multiple areas of the body.

Eczema is not a dangerous or life-threatening condition. All skin conditions can be incredibly itchy and uncomfortable for everyone, especially for infants and toddlers unable to speak and communicate their discomfort, and frustrating for parents unable to make the condition or irritation disappear.

Researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have proven that atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is an immune-driven (autoimmune) disease at the molecular level.

When To Seek Medical Assessment For Skin Conditions

Call emergency services on 000 in Australia if your baby suddenly develops a reddish/purple rash along with symptoms such as difficulty breathing.

  • Your baby develops a new rash in an area not previously known to have a rash.
  • The rash looks infected, appears redder, or has a yellow crust or ooze.
  • Home eczema treatments aren’t helping.
  • Your baby has a fever associated with the rash.
  • The rash suddenly starts to spread all over the body
  • Your child becomes lethargic and unresponsive 
  • Your child develops breathing difficulties.

Treating Eczema Is A Process With No Instant Cure

 Bathe Your Child

  • Use lukewarm water. Hot water can make eczema worse and increase the itchiness level.
  • Limit your use of scented soaps, shampoo, and body washes and discuss with your doctor the type of soap you should use.
  • Rinse your child’s skin twice to remove any resistant soap residue.
  • Keep baths short since prolonged contact with water can be irritating.


The use of a gentle moisturiser on your skin as soon as you emerge from the bath and have pat the body dry is highly recommended. Reapply the moisturiser several times a day or with every diaper change for infants and toddlers.

Do not use any medications or medicated creams containing steroids unless a doctor recommends it as part of their treatment plan.

Hypoallergenic fragrance-free moisturisers are best.

 Dress In Comfortable Clothing

Light, breathable cotton fabrics and linens may be the most comfortable and least irritating fabric against skin displaying an eczema rash. Always wash clothes before wearing and use washing machine detergents with hypoallergenic properties.

Avoid heavy, tight, or scratchy material such as wool, nylon, or synthetic fibres that rub against and further increase friction, scratching and itching.

In warm climates, where it is appropriate, minimal clothing is the ideal option.

Prevention Of Irritation

Try to avoid scratching the itchy rash areas.

Keep the fingernails short and clean.

Avoid any substance you know will trigger an allergy.

Avoid irritants such as perfumed soaps and detergents.

Use cold compresses to relieve minor itching and Calamine lotion for more persistent itching.

Don’t let your baby get too hot or sweaty. Overheating in any format will make eczema symptoms worse.

Never give a baby an antihistamine without talking to a paediatrician or GP first.

Ask your paediatrician about medications to relieve itching and whether food or environmental allergens could be triggering the eczema.

Eczema is an autoimmune response, so there is an underlying and possibly undiagnosed reason the body has developed eczema. Allergies are the most common likelihood. Food-based allergies and immune system conditions like gluten intolerance, colitis and Crohn’s disease are high on the list of possible causes that need to be tested for and ruled out where possible.

Recommended Treatments For Eczema

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