Test Your First Aid Knowledge With Our Fun Quiz

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First Aid Quiz

Did You Miss Your Calling To Work In The Medical Industry? 

It is never too late to learn First Aid and some people have natural aptitude. Take our FACE fun facts First Aid quiz and get the answers at the end. Use our First Aid quiz to test yourself, your family, your work colleagues, and your friends with our easy First Aid quiz at the same time you increase your First Aid knowledge. We promise the questions are not too easy or too hard, just enough to make you stop and think. If you are a jet star pupil, we suggest you take an Advanced First Aid Course to brush up on any updated or outmoded techniques you may have learned in the past. In Australia, certification lasts three years for First Aid and one year for CPR before requiring renewal.

First Aid Quiz Questions

 1. CPR is the short version for which of the following?

  1. Cardiopulmonary Retrieval 
  2. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 
  3. Cardiopulmonary Revival

  2. Which of the following is the primary purpose of providing First Aid? 

  1. To prevent complications
  2. To preserve life
  3. To protect the injury site

  3. What is the correct DRSABCD sequence?

  1. Danger – Response –Shouting—Airway – Breathing—Circulation—Death 
  2. Damage – Reply – Signal— Artery check – Back brace —Chest compressions—Defibrillator  
  3. Danger – Response – Send For Help—Airway – Breathing—Circulation—Defibrillation 

  4. Where on the torso do you apply “abdominal thrusts” to a choking infant?

  1. Directly over their stomach
  2. Directly below their heart
  3. Two (2) fingers above their belly button
  4. Two (2) fingers below their belly button

  5. How do you assess an unresponsive person who has had a heart attack?

  1. Shout at them until they wake up
  2. Shake them vigorously
  3. Employ the DRSABCD protocol

  6. You happen across a vehicle accident with several people sporting various injuries. Who is the first person you should give First Aid?

  1. The one with a suspected neck fracture and a broken leg
  2. The one who appears to be dead and not moving
  3. The one who is screaming the loudest with lots of blood

  7. Using the above quiz question, in what order should you provide First Aid to the victims?

  1. C.A.B
  2. B.A.C
  3. A.C.B
  4. A.B.C

  8. Why is BAC the correct answer to question 7?

      Insert your answer

   9. What is the most effective way to slow and stop major bleeding?

  1. Elevation of the injured area above the heart
  2. Direct pressure to or around the wound site
  3. Apply ice and cross your fingers 

 10. A person appears confused, has very pale skin, says that they feel ice-cold, and begins shaking despite the ambient temperature being sufficiently warm. Which of the following conditions would your initial assessment of the person lean toward for First Aid treatment?

  1. A shock
  2. A stroke
  3. A seizure

 11. What should you do when a toddler is choking and cannot cry out or breathe due to an airway blockage?

  1. Tilt them forward, order them to cough, carry out five back blows, then five stomach thrusts and repeat until the blockage has been forced out of the airway.
  2. Start rescue breaths and compressions while they are still conscious.
  3. Scold them for eating the wrong thing and call an ambulance

 12. In which of the following situations would you wrap a person in a wet and cold sheet?

  1. A heart attack on a hot day
  2. Heat stroke
  3. Fainting

 13. What is the normal body temperature in a healthy adult?

  1. Around 33-35 degrees Celsius 
  2. Around 36-37 degrees Celsius 
  3. Around 40-41 degrees Celsius 

 14. During a nosebleed, in what position should the head be kept?

  1. Head level
  2. Head backwards
  3. Head forwards

 15. Which position is the correct First Aid Recovery Position?

  1. Sit in a chair with legs bent.
  2. Laying flat on the back with knees elevated
  3. On their left side with their top leg placed at a right angle 
  4. Lying flat on their back

 16. Which option is the correct First Aid for a Jellyfish sting?

  1. Urinate on the sting site
  2. Apply vinegar
  3. Remove tentacles and wash the sting area in ocean water, then apply vinegar 

Answers To The Questions

  1. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is the long form of CPR.

  1. To preserve life is the primary answer. The others are secondary and subsequent actions.

  1. Danger – Response – Send For Help—Airway – Breathing—Circulation—Defibrillation. 

  1. Two (2) fingers above their belly button is the correct answer.

  1. Employ the DRSABCD protocol

  1. The one who appears to be dead and not moving. The others are still alive and breathing.

  1. BAC is the correct answer. We will explain why below in the question 8 answer.

  1. You start with the unresponsive person not breathing and provide CPR in an attempt to revive them first to preserve their life. Then you work backwards. Next, you need to stabilise the person with the suspected spinal injury and treat the fracture appropriately to prevent them from moving. Lastly, the one screaming the loudest is hurt the least. They can be verbally instructed to provide their own First Aid by telling them to put pressure on their wounds or source any First Aid kits in vehicles to stop their bleeding. Once that is achieved, you can instruct them to provide First Aid to the second person until help arrives, send them to get help, and use them to keep an eye on the ABCs of the second person should they lose consciousness and require CPR or other First Aid treatment, and lastly they can be used to take over CPR on the first person freeing you to then move on to treat the spinal injury and fracture of the second person. 

As a side note, it is important to keep watch on the person least injured as they may appear to be fine but have internal injuries that cause them to enter a state of deep shock that could potentially be fatal if not treated.

  1. Direct pressure to or around the wound site will slow and then stop bleeding in most cases. If it is not working, then press harder! Where an artery has ruptured, apply a tourniquet if one is available, tightening only until the bleeding stops and no further beyond that level of tightness.

  1. A shock

  1. 11. Tilt them forward, carry out five back blows, then five stomach thrusts and repeat until the blockage has been forced out of the airway.

  1.   Heat stroke
  1.  Around 36-37 degrees Celsius is normal. The first option is hypothermic. They need to get warm gently and slowly. The third option is hyperthermic. The person is close to death without immediate temperature reduction through the use of ice baths or being submerged in cold water until the temperature drops back into the 37 degree zone.

  1. Head forwards Tilting the head backwards used to be the practised treatment. This is one example of protocols changing over time with medical advances and why keeping First Aid skills up to date is important.

       15. On their left side, with their top leg placed at a right angle, is the official Recovery Position. This position is taught as part of the CPR course and applies to all First Aid when the recovery position is required to monitor a person who is breathing and has a heartbeat. They can be conscious and unconscious in this position.

       16. Remove tentacles and wash the sting area in ocean water then apply vinegar.

Applying vinegar alone will neutralize any unfired venom sacs not in contact with the skin, but the tentacles still need to be removed. By doing it in reverse, you can cause any unfired venom sacks stuck to the skin to release and sting after you have applied the treatment. That will require a secondary treatment of vinegar making the order you deliver your First Aid important due to the limited supply of vinegar on hand.

So How Did You Go With Your First Aid Quiz

After taking our First Aid quiz could you save a life or give the right First Aid to a choking toddler, and how is that different from a choking adult?

If you found our First Aid quiz easy then why not jump over and test your First Aid quiz skills on this site.


First Aid is a truly amazing skill to have in your arsenal and can be used in a wide range of situations outside of providing direct First Aid. Anyone who loves pub trivia nights and has taken our First Aid quiz can greatly increase their chance of taking the title after a First Aid course.

First Aid understanding helps people better converse with and understand what their doctors say when they give you results and discuss procedures and treatments. You can instantly assess a situation and know if it will require dialling emergency services, your doctor for an emergency appointment, or if you can handle the situation in the immediate environment with the supplies you have on hand.

While you are here, jump over to our locations and FACE booking page to find the next course available closest to you and check out the Blog page for a range of other interesting medically related facts.

If you passed our First Aid quiz easily, try the real thing!


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