Do I Need The Measles, Mumps And Rubella Vaccine

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Measles Mumps and Rubella

Measles, Mumps And Rubella

Measles, mumps and rubella has renown infamy amongst the history pages of humanity’s evolution out of caves and into social groups and high-density living for being three of the top five most easily spread infections on planet Earth. 

As a result of the measles virus being highly infectious and easily spread, it has public health implications when breakout pockets occur in a populated area. Childcare and schools are two places notorious for spreading any form of infection as young children’s immune systems develop resilience with exposure to a range of pathogens, and they frequently touch each other and play with community toys covered in germs and bacteria passed from one child to another and then taken home to share with the family.

The MMR vaccine combines three of the top ten most infectious diseases, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella, in one single injection. It is a two-part vaccine. The second injection six months after the first is a booster vaccine.

What Is The MMRV Vaccine

The MMRV vaccine (Measles, mumps, rubella, varicella) adds the Chickenpox vaccine to the mix, immunising all four of the top childhood infections in one fell swoop.

Is The MMR Vaccine Free

If you were born after 1970, you would likely have been given two doses of the free MMR vaccine as a baby at 12 months and then the booster at 18 months. If you were not given some or any of the common childhood vaccines in your youth, you can still get your MMR vaccination as an adult but you might have to pay for it. There are some exceptions for adult immigrants and Aboriginals to receive free MMR as an adult. Some chemists offer free vaccinations upon asking.

Chemists across the country are rolling out free vaccinations onsite for those not wanting to pay the gap between Medicare and their doctor’s fee. Your family doctor can also vaccinate you in their office. While there, you might like to inquire about a tetanus shot if you have never had one.

When Should I Get My Vaccinations Before Travelling

It is strongly recommended that you visit your GP at least six months before travelling overseas to assess what vaccinations are recommended for the countries you plan to visit. Second and third-world countries still have widespread infections and diseases Australia has almost wiped out or heavily contained within a predominantly vaccinated or naturally immunised populace.

If you did not opt-out of the government plan to store all your medical data on their servers, you can check your immunisation records on the ever-invasive government websites storing your medical information or by contacting your family doctor for a copy of your medical records and immunisations. Records before 2000 can be sketchy. Service personnel can access their medical records and vaccination records via the MyGov website.

Most people born before 1970 have acquired herd immunity to measles, mumps and rubella because they caught the diseases as a child. Back in the day, it was a right of passage to have had German Measles, Chicken Pox, and Mumps. Months spent covered in calamine lotion is a memory for many that no longer exists today.

Toddlers are now scheduled to receive their MMR vaccine at 12 and 18 months through the National Immunisation Program. If you give birth and register your child for a birth certificate, you are automatically enrolled, and the government will send you a notification of when your child is due for all of their vaccinations and give you a childhood immunisation schedule.

The MMR vaccine offers the immune system the ability to quickly detect measles, mumps, and rubella by identifying their antigens in your bloodstream should you become infected. The MMR combination vaccine helps reduce the spread of these diseases and, in theory, limits its ability to cause as much damage as someone who has not been vaccinated and has no record of the antigens in their immune system database.

Can I Get A Measles Only Vaccination

MMR and MMRV are the only vaccinations available in Australia for measles. You cannot get a vaccine for measles only.

If you have further questions on the topic, visit the hyperlink to the NSW Government FAQ page on Measles, Mumps and Rubella for more in-depth information.

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Measles is the most infectious of all vaccine-preventable diseases and can have serious complications and side effects in some people. Increased risk factors for vaccinations having dire consequences and adverse events should be discussed with your health care provider or by visiting the website of the manufacturers of the vaccine for detailed information. However, if you have egg allergies, you will know you have an increased risk of an anaphylactic reaction occurring after any vaccination.

Discuss with your doctor or OBGYN any concerns you have if you are pregnant and seeking vaccine safety advice and information for your baby and yourself. Pregnant women are encouraged to have all their vaccination in place prior to conceiving to allow the immune system to build up antibodies to pass onto the baby in utero and through colostrum post-birth before the milk comes in and lactation begins.

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