Nationally Accredited Childcare First Aid training by First Aid Course Experts

Key Information

✔ Nationally Accredited Certification

✔ Meets Workplace Requirements

✔ Same-Day Certificate

✔ 6.5 hrs Face to Face + eLearning

HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting

It is essential to educators and support staff working with children or working within an education and childcare setting. In this course, with the First Aid Course Experts or FACE, you will be learning the skills and information needed to respond to any First Aid emergencies, including asthmatic and anaphylactic emergencies in children. This course is trained under the Australian Resuscitation Council or ARC guidelines. It might contribute towards other approved First Aid such as asthma and anaphylaxis training outlines defined by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority or the ACECQA.

Course Code: HLTAID012
Course Title: Provide First Aid in an education and care setting
Method of Teaching: A blend of online learning and face-to-face first aid training

The training provided by FACE is a blend of an online portion or e-learning that can be completed at the participant’s own pace. The e-learning is to be completed before face-to-face training commences. This portion can be done in one sitting or multiple sessions online.
Overall, it should take approximately six hours to complete. The in-person part of the course assessment takes five hours of classroom time to complete.

Assessment: Written and practical scenario-based assessment
Age Requirement: Any participant training in first aid must be over the age of 14
Certificate Valid:
  • HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting remains valid for up to 3 years or 36 months after the date of course completion
  • HLTAID011 Provide First Aid also remains valid for up to 3 years or 36 months after the date of course completion
  • HLTAID010 Provide Basic Emergency life support is valid for up to 3 years or 36 months after the date of course completion
  • HLATID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation is valid for 1 year or 12 months after the date of course completion
First Aid

Course Content

This First Aid course covers the skills and knowledge in the following: 

    • Being able to recognise and assess an emergency
    • How to ensure the safety of yourself, other first aiders, bystanders and the casualty 
    • When to pursue assistance from emergency services
    • How to assess and recognise the need for a First Aid response 
    • How and when to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR in accordance to the procedures recognised by the Australian Resuscitation Council or ARC
    • How to provide First Aid in a Child Care setting using established First Aid principles
    • To make the casualty in your care feel safe, supported and secure during their emergency.
    • How to obtain consent from casualty when at all possible
    • Using the resources and equipment that are available in the area in order to make the casualty as comfortable as possible 
    • Being able to operate First Aid equipment according to instructions laid out by the manufacturers   
    • How to monitor the condition of the casualty in your care and be able to respond in line with First Aid principles
    • Exactly and precisely convey details of the incident to emergency services
    • Reporting details of the incident that are in line with proper workplace or site measures  
    • Learning how to make valid workplace or site documentation, including an incident report forms
    • Giving details about the incident involving infants and children to their parents or caregivers 
    • How to follow suitable workplace or site measures in order to report a serious incident to the governing authority
    • Being able to recognise possible mental or emotional impacts that may arise in yourself or other first aiders and know when help may be required
    • Learning when to contribute to a review of the First Aid response as needed 
    • Upholding the privacy and confidentiality of records or information in keeping with legal or organisational policies

First Aid Certificate Issued

A PDF in  HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting is a Statement of Accomplishment that will be emailed to the student on the same day as successful completion of the written and all in-person assessment. It is recommended in Australia to renew CPR certification every 12 months. To do this is a matter of doing a refresher course with a Registered Training Organisation or RTO such as FACE.

Who Can Attend?

This child care first aid course is for students with or without prior experience who are ready to learn and comfortable in a blended delivery setting.  

Things to Consider

Assessment criteria require students to correctly perform 2 or more minutes of continuous CPR on an adult-sized manikin that will be placed on the floor. If there are any physical limitations that would affect your ability to complete this portion of the course, please contact us to discuss it before booking your course.

Group Bookings

First Aid Course Experts or FACE can come to your workplace or business to deliver the training in person. This allows us to restructure our course delivery to suit your work environment. Make the training calm and educational while ensuring quality care in the learning for you and your group.

Please contact our friendly, helpful staff for any other assistance with a Group Booking.


ACEQA, or the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority, was developed by the National Quality Framework or the NQF. 

The framework shows national guidelines for First aid requirements, like anaphylaxis treatment training or emergency asthma treatment training.

For a place where children are cared for or are being educated, trained working staff must always be in attendance in case of emergencies. At least one member or a nominated supervisor of childcare needs to:  

  • Be able to hold currently approved First Aid certificates 
  • Must have undertaken a currently approved anaphylaxis treatment training 
  • Must have undertaken a currently approved emergency asthma treatment training


For a School-based service, qualified employees are to be in attendance and must immediately be available on-site in case of an emergency. There must be at least one member or a nominated supervisor of childcare needs to: 

  • Be a holder of a currently approved First Aid certificate
  • Must have undertaken a currently approved anaphylaxis treatment training 
  • Must have undertaken a currently approved emergency asthma treatment training


For Family day-care services, the qualified provider of the service must ensure that the educator or an educator assistant needs to:  

  • Be a holder of a currently approved First Aid certificate
  • Must have undertaken a currently approved anaphylaxis treatment training 
  • Must have undertaken a currently approved emergency asthma treatment training

Note that every family day-care educator and educator assistant needs to hold all 3 First Aid qualifications.

There must be one staff member or a nominated supervisor of a childcare service must:

  • Be a holder of a currently approved First Aid certificate
  • Must have undertaken a currently approved anaphylaxis treatment training 
  • Must have undertaken a currently approved emergency asthma treatment training

A Level 4 First Aid is under the training code HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting. The Certification unit includes learning the capability of childcare workers, educators, support staff and caregivers who work within an educational or childcare setting. 

The Level 4 First Aid aim is to equip staff to respond to an Emergency Aid situation, including asthmatic and anaphylaxis management in emergencies for infants, children and adults alike.      

A Childcare First Aid Course with FACE can build confidence and increase willingness to engage and respond when faced with a child’s medical emergency.    

A first responder gets specific training and can give direct assistance and care at the scene of medical emergencies that happen within the confines of the provided training. 

This allows any First aider or certified Responder to be trained to identify, respond and treat a medical incident until a professional health service arrives on the scene. 

Emergency response methods are an effort that tries and provides a casualty with the best chance after any injury, life-threatening medical event like anaphylaxis or an asthma attack.   

A First Aider can assist the casualty and can monitor the patient until a professional health service arrives. The care given to the casualty can be different depending on the nature of the emergency. Still, the incident could include bandaging injuries, giving reassurance to a casualty or being able to provide them with CPR.      

Workplace Course Enquiries

Would you like your employees to be first aid and CPR trained?

To make sure your team is safe and well equipped, we offer on-site first aid training tailored to the needs of your workplace.

Book a group course today! Just call us.

Individual Booking

We ensure that you can find the proper first aid training for your needs.

Whether you need an initial first aid course or a first aid refresher course or updating your first aid certificate, get trained by The First Aid Course Experts!